Triggerfish season

When is triggerfish season in Destin, FL?

triggerfish are some of the best eating fish you can catch in Destin. triggerfish  in Destin, FL on the LADY EM begins on March 1st, 2018. Triggerfish will be open for 3 months and will be a busy time in Destin, FL. While triggerfish are a little tricky to catch, they are excellent eating and fun to catch.

triggerfish season is on and they fight hard!!

They really do, especially when you catch 2 at one time. Some charter fishing boats use a 3 hook rig so that you can catch triggerfish 3 at a time! either way, they are alot of fun to catch and are a very mild tasting fish.

Giant triggerfish

really big triggerfish  on a family fishing charter in Destin, FL

1/2 day fishing trips or all day fishing trips for triggerfish season?

During triggerfish season in Destin you can go on a 1/2 day fishing trip or an all day trip. The reason triggerfish are so darn hard to catch is that they have a very small mouth. Triggerfish also have BIG teeth that look like a rats teeth! They can eat your bait off your hook with out you even knowing it. Triggerfish live up high in the water column, so when you drop your line, they will eat your bait before you make it to the bottom.

big triggerfish in the fish box

its triggerfish season in Destin, Fl

to see more pics of triggerfish look here:


Charter Boat Lady Em - Destin Florida Deep Sea Fishing

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Charter Boat Lady Em - Destin Florida Deep Sea Fishing
